Initialize an EVM Substreams Project

In this guide, you'll learn how to initialize an EVM-based Substreams project. You’ll learn how to set up a simple project to extract raw data or filter EVM events and calls based on a smart-contract of interest.


  • Docker and VS Code installed and up-to-date.

  • Visit the Getting Started Guide to initialize your development environment.

Step 1: Initialize Your EVM Substreams Project

  1. Open your development environment and run the following command to initialize your project:

    substreams init
  2. You will be given the option to choose between two EVM project options. Select the one that best fits your requirements:

    • evm-minimal: Creates a simple Substreams that extracts raw data from the block and generates Rust code.

    • evm-events-calls: Creates a Substreams that extracts EVM events and calls using the cached EVM Foundational Module, filtered by one or more smart contract addresses.

Step 2: Visualize the Data

  1. Create your account here to generate an authentification token (JWT) and pass it as input to:

    substreams auth
  2. Run the following command to visualize and itterate on your filtered data model:

    Substreams Gui

Step 3: Customize your Project

After initialization, you can:

  • Modify your Substreams manifest to include additional filters or configurations.

  • Implement custom processing logic in Rust based on the filtered data retrieved by the foundational module.

For a deeper dive into use cases and details, refer to the EVM Tutorials.

Additional Resources

You may find these additional resources helpful for developing your first EVM application.

Development Container Reference

The development container reference helps you navigate the complete container and its common errors.

Gui Reference

The gui reference lets you explore the complete tool of the Pyth contract.

Manifests Reference

The manifests reference helps you with editing the substreams.yaml.

Last updated