Mapping Blocks

This module takes a raw Ethereum block and returns a reduced version of a block, with just three pieces of information: hash, parent hash, and block number.

Tip: This tutorial teaches you how to build a Substreams from scratch.

Remember that you can auto-generate your Substreams module by usig the code-generation tools.

Let's run the Substreams first, and then go through the code.

Running the Substreams

Running a Substreams usually requires three steps: generating the Rust Protobufs, building the WASM container, and using the Substream CLI to start the streaming. Make sure to run the following commands in the substreams-explorer/ethereum-explorer folder:

  1. Generate the Protobuf objects: The .proto files define a data model regardless of any programming language. However, in order to use this model in your Rust application, you must generate the corresponding Rust data structures. Note that running make protogen is only necessary when making updates to any file in the proto folder.

make protogen
  1. Build the WASM module: The following command generates a WASM container from the Rust application, which you can find at /target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/substreams.wasm. Note that this is the same path provided in the Substreams manifest (substreams.yml).

make build
  1. Streaming data through the CLI: The following command streams the Ethereum blockchain data, and applies the transformations contained in the map_block_meta module to every block.

$ substreams run -e substreams.yaml map_block_meta --start-block 17712040 --stop-block +1

Let's break down the command into pieces:

  • is the StreamingFast Ethereum Mainnet endpoint where you are sending your Substreams for execution.

  • substreams.yaml: specifies the Substreams manifest.

  • map_block_meta: specifies the module to execute. Since the Ethereum Explorer application contains several modules, it is necessary to specify which one you want to execute.

  • --start-block 17712040: specifies the starting block (i.e. the block where Substreams will start streaming).

  • --stop-block +1: specifies how many blocks after the starting block should be considered. In this example, +1 means that the streaming will start at 17712040 and finish at 17712041 (just one block).

The output of the command should be similar to:

...output omitted...

----------- BLOCK #17,712,040 (31ad07fed936990d3c75314589b15cbdec91e4cc53a984a43de622b314c38d0b) ---------------
  "@module": "map_block_meta",
  "@block": 17712040,
  "@type": "eth.block_meta.v1.BlockMeta",
  "@data": {
    "number": "17712040",
    "hash": "31ad07fed936990d3c75314589b15cbdec91e4cc53a984a43de622b314c38d0b",
    "parentHash": "1385f853d28b16ad7ebc5d51b6f2ef6d43df4b57bd4c6fe4ef8ccb6f266d8b91"

all done

As you can see, the output is formatted as JSON, and the @data field contains the actual output Protobuf of the module (BlockMeta).

The BlockMeta definition:

syntax = "proto3";

package eth.block_meta.v1;

message BlockMeta {
  uint64 number = 1;
  string hash = 2;
  string parent_hash = 3;

The JSON output:

"@data": {
    "number": "17712040",
    "hash": "31ad07fed936990d3c75314589b15cbdec91e4cc53a984a43de622b314c38d0b",
    "parentHash": "1385f853d28b16ad7ebc5d51b6f2ef6d43df4b57bd4c6fe4ef8ccb6f266d8b91"

Inspecting the Code

Although the code (which is in the file) for this module is pretty straightforward to understand, let's discuss its main parts.

Declaration of the module in the manifest (substreams.yml):

  - name: map_block_meta
    kind: map
      - source: sf.ethereum.type.v2.Block
      type: proto:eth.block_meta.v1.BlockMeta

Code of the module:

fn map_block_meta(blk: Block) -> Result<BlockMeta, substreams::errors::Error> {
    let header = blk.header.as_ref().unwrap();

    Ok(BlockMeta {
        number: blk.number,
        hash: Hex::encode(&blk.hash),
        parent_hash: Hex::encode(&header.parent_hash),

The #[substreams::handlers::map] attribute annotates the map_block_meta function as a Substreams mapper. The name of the function must match the name of the module in the Substreams manifest. The input of the function is a raw Ethereum block (pb::eth::v2::Block).

In order to get the block metadata, you use the header property.

let header = blk.header.as_ref().unwrap();

Then, you simply create a BlockMeta struct and return it.

Ok(BlockMeta {
    number: blk.number,
    hash: Hex::encode(&blk.hash),
    parent_hash: Hex::encode(&header.parent_hash),

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