Module handler creation

StreamingFast Substreams module handler creation

Module handler creation overview

After generating the ABI and protobuf Rust code, you need to write the handler code. Save the code into the src directory and use the filename

mod abi;
mod pb;
use hex_literal::hex;
use pb::erc721;
use substreams::prelude::*;
use substreams::{log, store::StoreAddInt64, Hex};
use substreams_ethereum::{pb::eth::v2 as eth, NULL_ADDRESS};

// Bored Ape Club Contract
const TRACKED_CONTRACT: [u8; 20] = hex!("bc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d");


/// Extracts transfers events from the contract
fn map_transfers(blk: eth::Block) -> Result<erc721::Transfers, substreams::errors::Error> {
    Ok(erc721::Transfers {
        transfers: blk
            .map(|(transfer, log)| {
                substreams::log::info!("NFT Transfer seen");

                erc721::Transfer {
                    trx_hash: log.receipt.transaction.hash.clone(),
                    from: transfer.from,
                    token_id: transfer.token_id.low_u64(),
                    ordinal: log.block_index() as u64,

/// Store the total balance of NFT tokens for the specific TRACKED_CONTRACT by holder
fn store_transfers(transfers: erc721::Transfers, s: StoreAddInt64) {
    log::info!("NFT holders state builder");
    for transfer in transfers.transfers {
        if transfer.from != NULL_ADDRESS {
            log::info!("Found a transfer out {}", Hex(&transfer.trx_hash));
            s.add(transfer.ordinal, generate_key(&transfer.from), -1);

        if != NULL_ADDRESS {
            log::info!("Found a transfer in {}", Hex(&transfer.trx_hash));
            s.add(transfer.ordinal, generate_key(&, 1);

fn generate_key(holder: &Vec<u8>) -> String {
    return format!("total:{}:{}", Hex(holder), Hex(TRACKED_CONTRACT));

View the file in the repository.

Module handler breakdown

The logical sections of the file are outlined and described in greater detail.

Import the necessary modules. excerpt
mod abi;
mod pb;
use hex_literal::hex;
use pb::erc721;
use substreams::{log, store, Hex};
use substreams_ethereum::{pb::eth::v2 as eth, NULL_ADDRESS, Event};

Store the tracked contract in the example in a constant. excerpt
const TRACKED_CONTRACT: [u8; 20] = hex!("bc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d");

Define the map module in the Substreams manifest.

manifest excerpt
- name: map_transfers
  kind: map
  initialBlock: 12287507
    - source: sf.ethereum.type.v2.Block
    type: proto:eth.erc721.v1.Transfers

Notice the: name: map_transfers, the module in the manifest name matches the handler function name. Also notice, there is one inputs and one output definition.

The inputs uses the standard Ethereum Block, sf.ethereum.type.v2.Block, provided by the substreams-ethereum crate.

The output uses the type proto:eth.erc721.v1.Transfers which is a custom protobuf definition provided by the generated Rust code.

The function signature produced resembles: excerpt
fn map_transfers(blk: eth::Block) -> Result<erc721::Transfers, substreams::errors::Error> {

Rust macros

Did you notice the #[substreams::handlers::map] on top of the function? It is a Rust macro provided by the substreams crate.

The macro decorates the handler function as a map. Define store modules by using the syntax #[substreams::handlers::store].

Module handler function

The map extracts ERC721 transfers from a Block object. The code finds all the Transfer events emitted by the tracked smart contract. As the events are encountered they are decoded into Transfer objects. excerpt
/// Extracts transfers events from the contract
fn map_transfers(blk: eth::Block) -> Result<erc721::Transfers, substreams::errors::Error> {
    Ok(erc721::Transfers {
        transfers: blk
            .map(|(transfer, log)| {
                substreams::log::info!("NFT Transfer seen");

                erc721::Transfer {
                    trx_hash: log.receipt.transaction.hash.clone(),
                    from: transfer.from,
                    token_id: transfer.token_id.low_u64(),
                    ordinal: log.block_index() as u64,

Define the store module in the Substreams manifest.

manifest excerpt
- name: store_transfers
  kind: store
  initialBlock: 12287507
  updatePolicy: add
  valueType: int64
    - map: map_transfers

Note: name: store_transfers corresponds to the handler function name.

The inputs corresponds to the output of the map_transfers map module typed as proto:eth.erc721.v1.Transfers. The custom protobuf definition is provided by the generated Rust code. excerpt
fn store_transfers(transfers: erc721::Transfers, s: store::StoreAddInt64) {

Note: the store always receives itself as its own last input.

In the example the store module uses an updatePolicy set to add and a valueType set to int64 yielding a writable store typed as StoreAddInt64.

Note: Store types

  • The writable store is always the last parameter of a store module function.

  • The type of the writable store is determined by the updatePolicy and valueType of the store module.

The goal of the store in the example is to track a holder's current NFT count for the smart contract provided. The tracking is achieved through the analysis of Transfers.

Transfers in detail

  • If the "from" address of the transfer is the null address (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) and the "to" address is not the null address, the "to" address is minting a token, which results in the count being incremented.

  • If the "from" address of the transfer is not the null address and the "to" address is the null address, the "from" address has burned a token, which results in the count being decremented.

  • If both the "from" and the "to" address is not the null address, the count is decremented from the "from" address and incremented for the "to" address.

store concepts

There are three important things to consider when writing to a store:

  • ordinal

  • key

  • value


ordinal represents the order in which the store operations are applied.

The store handler is called once per block.

The add operation may be called multiple times during execution, for various reasons such as discovering a relevant event or encountering a call responsible for triggering a method call.

Note: Blockchain execution models are linear. Operations to add must be added linearly and deterministically.

If an ordinal is specified, the order of execution is guaranteed. In the example, when the store handler is executed by a given set of inputs, such as a list of Transfers, it emits the same number of add calls and ordinal values for the execution.


Stores are key-value stores. Care needs to be taken when crafting a key to ensure it is unique and flexible.

If the generate_key function in the example returns the TRACKED_CONTRACT address as the key, it is not unique among different token holders.

The generate_key function returns a unique key for holders if it contains only the holder's address.

Important: Issues are expected when attempting to track multiple contracts.


The value being stored. The type is dependent on the store type being used. excerpt
fn store_transfers(transfers: erc721::Transfers, s: StoreAddInt64) {
    log::info!("NFT holders state builder");
    for transfer in transfers.transfers {
        if transfer.from != NULL_ADDRESS {
            log::info!("Found a transfer out {}", Hex(&transfer.trx_hash));
            s.add(transfer.ordinal, generate_key(&transfer.from), -1);

        if != NULL_ADDRESS {
            log::info!("Found a transfer in {}", Hex(&transfer.trx_hash));
            s.add(transfer.ordinal, generate_key(&, 1);

fn generate_key(holder: &Vec<u8>) -> String {
    return format!("total:{}:{}", Hex(holder), Hex(TRACKED_CONTRACT));


Both handler functions have been written.

One handler function for extracting relevant transfers, and a second to store the token count per recipient.

Build Substreams to continue the setup process.

cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release

The next step is to run Substreams with all of the changes made by using the generated code.

Last updated